Custom Homes

Custom Home Wiring

One of the toughest tasks for any homeowner is to choose the right contractor to deal with electrical repairs, improvements, lighting designs, wiring and rewiring projects. Homeowner choosiness is with good reason: mistakes are costly and can result in fires, major disasters, expense, and even death.Brown Home

If you want to make sure that the safe and correct wiring is done while completing repairs or adding new wiring to aging and/or inadequate systems, look no further than Wayne A. Crickenberger Electric Service!

Crickenberger Electric maintains a strict policy of using the highest quality electrical components, and name-brand devices. Our experienced electricians can wire your home with safeguards to protect against power failure.

New Homes in Virginia are larger and more sophisticated than homes of the past. Lighting controls, electronic devices, home automation, and communication wiring all require careful planning and execution of the electrical work. The electricians of Crickenberger Electric are trained in these sophisticated custom home wiring systems and understand how to lay them out and install them efficiently and effectively.

Regardless of the size, age or complexity of your home, Crickenberger Electric will get the electrical wiring done right the first time the job is done. Listen to our custom home customer’s testimonials.